“Folguedo” means a popular festivity, in Brazil. The word brings together the ideas of acknowledgement and interconnections and shows that notions like learning, having fun, creating and sharing go together.

This is the leading concept of our activities. Since 2005 we work with education, culture, art and science, creating innovative and accessible experiences that join expography, scenography, design, technology and creative content.

We have developed more than 60 projects for exhibitions, actions, events, festivals, museums, brands, websites, signage and space humanization. Our studio covers the whole workflow from the conception to the final product, wether in our own projects or in partnership with the client.

Only our enthusiasm for the next project is bigger than our trajectory!

Claudia é branca e tem o cabelo curto, ondulado e grisalho, veste um agasalho vermelho com ziper.

Claudia Alencar

Claudia has been close to art since she lived amidst the filmrolls, cameras and projectors of her grandfather. Many movies, books, trips, shows and museums inspired her and turned her into an open, versatile and daring production designer. Scenography offered her the ideal place to cultivate and share her interest for the arts. In this position she was able to transit through several areas, languages and subjects. After 25 years as a set designer for TV Globo, Claudia realized that educational, scientific and corporate projects can have a more artistic and funny look, and so she created Folguedo.

Leo Bungarten

Leo started his career as an actor, on stage, but his management vision – or the desire to make things work – took him backstage. He entered the world of scenography through theater and dance, and never stopped, guided by his interest in culture, accessibility and education. He joins strategic thinking with a taste for handicrafts and nature. Architect, urban planner and partner of Folguedo since 2005, Leo brings his multiple profiles to the management and planning of our projects.

Juliana é branca, usa óculos e tem o cabelo curto, ondulado e avermelhado, veste uma camisa de botões com manga curta na cor amarela.

Juliana Câmara

Architect and designer, Ju is always connected to new movements and trends. In her college years, she divided her time between classes at UFF, restoration, urbanism, residence and school projects, and the rehearsals of her band. Partner of Folguedo since 2010, she has extensive experience in design and exhibition management. She values functionality, beauty, accessibility and simplicity in her 3D designs. She feels inspired by people, music and art to create the best solutions for Folguedo’s projects.

Ana Argolo

Architect and Urban Planner from FAU/UFRJ, Ana has always used photography and the creation of texts as a form of study, expression and art. During his college years, he focused on research and production of projects aimed at environmental sustainability and the well-being of users. He is interested in manual work, with hobbies such as gardening, painting and carpentry. Works in monitoring the design, detailing and graphic representation.

Joyce é negra e usa seu cabelo castanho e crespo no estilo black, está vestindo uma camisa de botões branca com listras finas e coloridas nas cores vermelho, verde e amarelo.

Joyce Oliveira

Designer from ESDI/UERJ and with technical training in Multimedia, Joyce loves creating through materials and textures, ever since she was a little interested in manual work. In recent years, in addition to participating in urban art projects, using lambe-lambe and painting techniques, he has dedicated himself to cultural production. He has been a designer at Folguedo since 2018, working on the graphic side of our projects and creating interactive tools such as educational games, in addition to audiovisual content.

Vera Bungarten

Vera graduated in Design at ESDI at a time of great cultural effervescence in Brazil and the world. From this experience came his curiosity for the most diverse themes and languages ​​and the desire to always try new challenges. His special interest is focused on image: from work in graphic design he moved on to photography and then to cinema. Both his professional activities and his master’s and doctorate research were focused on the image in the arts, photography and cinema. As a natural consequence of his work in audiovisual, he began working in the production area, not only cinema and video, but also events, seminars, congresses and now also exhibitions, at Folguedo.