White Martins Memory Space

White Martins inaugurated at its unit in Caxias, the Espaço de Memória, a complete collection on the history of industrialization in Brazil. A project that involved partnerships with PUC-RJ, Museu da Pessoa and Folguedo.

National Museum Lives

The Museu Nacional Vive Exhibition is part of Polo Memória, in the event to commemorate the Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil. It is an exhibition of photographs and stories about the history of the Museum, highlighting the main milestones, contents and events. In addition to bringing the timeline of the works and projects for the reconstruction, the exhibition addresses all the public interaction over the last few years.

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Imagem com fundo rosa e logo do projeto Novos Caminhos na cor branca. A logo do projeto é uma composição três silhuetas de pássaros voando em direções diferentes com a frase “Projeto novos caminhos”.

Novos Caminhos

Painel de recepção feito na escada do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, para o projeto Novos Caminhos. Um mosaico colorido nas cores amarelo, rosa e azul, contém também algumas estampas nas cores azul e verde, alternando com espaços em branco.

Humanization of environments and rebranding of the Novos Caminhos brand. Project located at Instituto Fernandes Figueira, which aims to contribute to the socioeconomic inclusion of mothers assisted at the hospital, through courses in handicrafts. Patterns and products were created with the application of the new visual identity.

Online exhibition Accessible City

Capa da exposição Cidade Acessível Virtual, contém fundo azul e a logo do projeto ao centro, na parte superior da imagem. Abaixo da logo, estão imagens recortadas de quatro pessoas com deficiências formando um grupo. Da esquerda para direita, temos:  um jovem branco com síndrome de Down que segura um megafone e coloca umas das mãos para o alto; um homem branco com deficiência visual acompanhado de um cão guia branco da raça Golden Retriever; uma mulher negra com cabelo Black Power vermelho com um dos braços levantado e punho cerrado; e por último, um homem negro cadeirante segurando um megafone.

The online exhibition Accessible City is a platform for content and experience on accessibility and diversity. It aims to inform and sensitize the public about the different forms of exclusion experienced by people with disabilities, and to point out solutions for a more diverse, empathetic and integrated city and society.

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Renewal Central Station

In the midst of the busiest railway station in Rio de Janeiro, the project offered a channel to hear the users and what they expect from the surroundings, aiming the promotion of sustainable mobility policies. In addition, the space provided a place for socializing and resting with wifi.

SESC Space at Veste Rio - 2nd Edition - Fall | Winter Collection

SESC Space at Veste Rio - 2nd Edition - Fall | Winter Collection

Artistic installation developed exclusively for the event, composed of conceptual mannequins inspired by 3D modeling techniques. The exhibition include videos where professionals are interviewed about 3D modeling processes and techniques.

Action Accessible City – 2016

Action created for the space “Explore the British House space, put yourself in the other’s place”, promoted by the British Consulate during the Paralympics. Based on the Accessible City Exhibition, developed and hold by Folguedo in 2015, the action proposes an experience on diversity and accessibility through experimentation with wheelchairs, mediators for Brazilian sign language and audio description.

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Claritin Experiment

The event proposes a sensory experience to show the effects of various types of allergies on the body and the benefits of using Claritin. Developed for Bayer’s global sales meeting.

Closure party of the the 6th UNIMED Medical Congress

Closure party of the the 6th UNIMED Medical Congress

Folguedo developed the videos for video mapping of Gal Costa’s concert that took place at the closure party celebrating the 6th Unimed Medical Congress; Folguedo also developed the scenography for the stage and other spaces of the same event.

Jota Quest: 15 Anos na Moral

The event had the purpose to launch Jota Quest’s 15th anniversary tour. Concert with the retrospective of the band’s hits in creative sets for the national tour.